Bankruptcy…Like Punting …Is Good!
Nobody likes to punt the ball on 4th down.
Having to punt the ball is an admission of a setback.
The penalty for the setback is having to give up control of the ball.
Having to give up control of the ball takes away the opportunity to score.
But we punt anyway. Why?
Because punting the ball is the smart thing to do.
Punting the ball pushes the other team back.
Pushing the other team back increases our chances of getting the ball back before the other team can score.
Increasing our chances of getting the ball back before the other team can score increases our chances of winning the game.
Not punting can be disastrous.
Not punting can turn a mere setback into a touchdown for the other team.
A touchdown for the other team increases the chance that we will lose the game.
Punting is GOOD!
Filing bankruptcy is just like punting.
Nobody wants to file bankruptcy
….but if getting rid of some debt fast is what you need,
then filing bankruptcy is the smart thing to do.
Filing bankruptcy is the admission of a temporary setback,
….but filing bankruptcy can get rid of debt
…and getting rid of debt can give you a chance to get back
into the game.
….and getting back into the game gives you a second
chance at winning the game.
And what the game is….is life.
Bankruptcy….Like Punting…. Is GOOD!
Call today for a FREE debt consultation.
Call 662-296-HELP (4357).